The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said there had been no additional suspects related to the bribery case of grant funds in East Java (East Java). The case, which began with the arrest operation (OTT), is still under investigation.

"So far, what we later know is that the information for the suspect for (cases, red) grants in East Java is four people, we have announced it," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Monday, February 6.

The four people named as suspects in this case are Deputy Chairman of the East Java DPRD Sahat Tua P Simandjuntak; Sahat expert staff, Rusdi; Head of Jelgung Village, Abdul Hamid; and the Field Coordinator of Pokmas, Ilham Wahyudi.

Although he said there had been no additional suspects, the KPK continues to seek the involvement of other parties. They are still investigating the evidence in the bribery case of the grant funds.

"So long, when evidence is found, there is involvement of other parties and it can be legally accounted for, of course, then we will also determine him as a suspect," he said.

Information about the addition of suspects in this bribery case broke out because the Chairman of the East Java DPRD Kusnadi resigned from his party position, namely the Chairman of the East Java DPD.

PDIP DPP Chairperson for Ideology and Cadreization Djarot Saiful Hidayat said the resignation letter had been received.

"The DPP received a report from Pak Kusnadi, that he submitted his resignation as Chairman of the East Java PDIP DPD, in order to concentrate on the legal process (as a witness to grant funds). So the DPP granted the request," said Djarot at the East Java PDIP office, Surabaya, Saturday, February 4.

Djarot said PDIP respects Kusnadi's decision. His party did not want to speculate regarding the resignation.

"The Party DPP granted the request. The general chairman of the PDI-P, Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri, also continues to remind party cadres not to commit corruption and abuse power," he concluded.

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