JAKARTA - The attempted kidnapping has apparently occurred twice in the SDN 07 Pondok Kelapa area, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta. Previously, the victim of the kidnapping had also been experienced by 4th grade elementary school students.

Principal of SD 07 Pondok Kelapa, Galih Sri Embun Handayani confirmed the rampant cases of child kidnapping.

"I got information from the teacher, 4th graders complained like people were following. So the fourth grade also provided information like that. If SA victims weren't alone, there were two friends. He (had) held hands, then shouted, please tell the teacher," said Galih, Monday, February 6.

Galih explained that the incidents of two kidnappings occurred at different hours. However, the perpetrator's motive for the 4th grade victim, the perpetrator only followed the victim.

"It seems like that (the gang of perpetrators waiting around the school area looking for the targets of the kidnapping). So after the incident (the time) came from Binmas Pondok Kelapa. I told the chronology," he said.

Galih asked the parents of the students to pick up their sons and daughters directly to school and not be represented by anyone.

"We have a whatsapp committee, there I want my parents to pick them up directly, especially grade 1, 2 and 3 children must be picked up. Don't represent anyone, for example motorcycle taxi drivers or anyone else. If you can try to pick them up yourself and that has been done by parents because parents also heard about kidnappings," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a second grade student at the state elementary school (SDN) 07 with the initials SA almost became a victim of kidnapping on Jalan Bojong, Pondok Kelapa, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta. The incident was caught on camera and went viral on social media.

The perpetrator of the kidnapping is known to be a middle-aged woman. The incident occurred when the victim was going to participate in sports activities not far from the school area.

"Again, I want to do sports in the field, (walk) myself but there are still a little bit of people behind me. (I) was holding his hand, then asked 'let's join your aunt," said victim SA to reporters, Monday, February 6.

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