Prosecutor M. Asri Irwan is now serving as Acting Director (Plt) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). He replaces Fitroh Rohayanto, who now chooses to return to his original agency, the Attorney General's Office. "The Acting Prosecutor M. Asri Irwan," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Friday, February 3. Ali said Asri was a senior prosecutor at the anti-corruption commission. He has handled many corruption cases. Meanwhile, Fitroh and another prosecutor, Kresno, are now on duty again at the Attorney General's Office. They are expected to transmit anti-corruption values that he has carried out for the last 11 years in the Adhyaksa Corps. "We appreciate and are grateful for the best performance of the two while serving at the KPK," said Ali. The KPK confirmed that Fitroh Rochahyanto had returned to the Attorney General's Office. However, they denied the rumors circulating that this return was due to an investigation into alleged corruption in the Formula E race in DKI Jakarta. It was stated that Fitroh chose to return to the Prosecutor's Office because he wanted to have a career there. Moreover, he has served at the KPK for a dozen years. For information, the KPK is investigating allegations of corruption in the implementation of Formula E. There are several parties who have been summoned, one of which is Anies Baswedan on Wednesday, September 7. After the summons, news circulated that Anies would be named a suspect. This step was accused of tackling him in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). Apart from Anies, a number of parties have also been summoned for questioning. One of them, the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edy Marsudi, admitted that he explained about the loan of Rp180 billion by the DKI Jakarta Dispora to pay the commitment fee to Formula E Operations (FEO). Meanwhile, regarding the investigation into the alleged corruption, KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata said they found a number of obstacles in their efforts to investigate Formula E. One of them, they have not been able to ask for assistance from the British KPK or the Serious Fraud Office (SFO). Even so, the KPK has repeatedly conducted an exposure to the alleged corruption investigation in the implementation of Formula E in Jakarta. This step is considered good so that every development can be monitored. "It's natural that when solving an open investigation case, it is carried out by exposing many times and so on, it is actually good for us," said KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 17.

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