The Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of the Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) Police managed to arrest a man suspected of being a land mafia who had been acting in the Palangka Raya City area.

Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Central Kalimantan Police, Kombes Pol Faisal F Napitupulu, said the perpetrator who had also been named a suspect was Madi Goening Sius (69), a resident of Jalan Shark Putih, Bukit Tunggal Village, Jekan Raya District.

"So the person concerned was named a suspect after an investigation for 1 year," he said in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Thursday, February 2, was confiscated by Antara.

Faisal explained that the suspect's modus operandi was to falsify Paklaring land certificate Number 23 of 1960. With a Paklaring with an area of 810 hectares, of which 230 hectares of suspects claimed that land owned by the public in fact had a certificate of ownership (SHM).

"Some of the residents' land has also been handed over to children and some have been sold to the public. From the sale of the land, the suspect made a profit of Rp. 2 billion," he said.

Faisal emphasized that from the hands of the suspect the investigator also managed to confiscate evidence of a photocopy of the legalized copy of the paklairing letter Number 23 of 1960 dated June 30, 1960 on behalf of Goening Sius which was signed by the Head of Pahandut Abd Village. Inin, Damang Head of Central Kahayan Traditional F. Sahay and Assistant Wedana Central Kahayan JM Nahan.

Then also, a photocopy of legalized copy of the will from Goening Sius to Madie bin Goening Sius on April 14, 1978, was known by the Head of Pahandut Village, Basran Asmail, and on behalf of the Head of Pahandut Sub-district, MPP. CW Adam.

"The article applied to the suspect is Article 263 Paragraph (1) or Article 263 Paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code with the threat of imprisonment for a maximum of 6 years," said Faisal.

From the press conference activities attended by the Central Kalimantan Police Ditreskrimum, the Head of Public Relations of the local Police, Kombes Pol K. Eko Saputro and the Head of the Palangka Raya City National Land Agency (BPN) Budi were also present.

In fact, based on the information of the victims, the dozens of people are not only ordinary people. But also from the TNI circles, retired Central Kalimantan Provincial Government officials and one of them is a member of the Central Kalimantan Provincial DPRD who was also deceived by the perpetrators.

Regarding the selling price of land offered to victims varies, from a price range of IDR 30-40 million, even more than this price also exists.

For his actions, the suspect is now also languishing in the Central Kalimantan Police Detention Center, to account for what has been done to his victims.

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