The Bandung City Trade and Industry Office (Disdagin) said that MinyaKita products, which are currently rare in the Bandung City market, are due to reduced supply from distributors.

Head of Disdagin Bandung City Elly Wasliah said that usually distributors distribute 1.5 million liters of Minya Kita for the Greater Bandung area.

But now, he said, its distribution has decreased to 800 thousand liters in December 2022 and decreased again in January 2023 to only 300 thousand liters.

"Pasokan hanya 20 persen dari normalnya. Itu yang terjadi, tapi masih berjalan. Hanya jauh berkurangan (pasukan)," kata Elly dikutip ANTARA, Kamis, 2 Januari.

According to him, the bulk oil with the MinyaKi brand is indeed in demand by the public because the Minya Kita product has neat packaging, and the bottle packaging also has a clear color.

Based on coordination, the Ministry of Trade asked producers to increase production from 300 thousand tons to 450 thousand tons for all of Indonesia.

He said that this week, Minya Kita's additional stock could be distributed.

"This oil is in great demand, so residents choose to buy our Minya Kita bulk oil," he said.

In addition to experiencing scarcity, the price of MinyaKita in the city of Bandung has also increased. At Ujungberung Market, the price of Minya Kita rose from the original Rp. 28 thousand per 2 liters, to Rp. 31 thousand per 2 liters.

A Ujungberung Market trader, Amas, said that Kumita had started to be scarce since early 2023, even the price increase had occurred because of the price of distributors.

Amas also hopes that the stock and price of Minya Kita can return to normal considering that apart from being in great demand by the community, the price is also affordable so that it can help the basic needs of small communities.

"If the two liters are sold for IDR 33 thousand. Some buy it, please, no one buys it, it's okay. Usually I knock 10 cartons but now it's difficult," said Amas.

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