JAKARTA - The founder and caretaker of the Al Fatah Yogyakarta Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes), Shinta Ratri, has died. PSI politician, Mohamad Guntur Romli, expressed his condolences.

Shinta, who is also the chairman of the Yogyakarta Waria Association (IWAYO), breathed his last today, Wednesday, February 1 morning.

"My deepest condolences for the passing of Mrs. Shinta Ratri, the founder of Ponpes Waria al-Fattah Yogyakarta," Gun Romli tweeted on his Twitter account, @GunRomli, Wednesday, February 1.

Also participating in Gun Romli prayed that Shinta's deeds would be accepted by Allah SWT. "Allahummaghfirla warhamha waj'alil jannata matswaha al-Fatihah," he said.

In his condolences, Gun Romli also informed that the GUSdURian Network mourned the death of the transpuan. The GUSDURIAN network prays for Shinta Ratri to be given the best place by Allah SWT.

"Hopefully Husnul khotomah and placed in the best place back. Amen," said Gun Romli's upload.

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