KUPANG - Constitutional Law Expert from Nusa Cendana University (Undana) Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Dr Johanes Tuba Helan supports the emergence of the idea of eliminating the position of regional head at the governor's level which was rolled out by the political elite.

"In my opinion, the idea of eliminating the governor if it is realized, there will be a very large state budget savings and guarantee the effectiveness of government administration and services to the community," Tuba Helan was quoted as saying by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 31.

He conveyed this in response to the idea of eliminating the position of regional head at the governor's level put forward by the Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar at the National Sarasehan One Century Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) event in Jakarta, Monday 30 January.

PKB, as stated by Muhaimin, is currently finalizing a study with experts regarding the elimination of the governor's position, because the governor is only a liaison between the central and regional governments.

Tuba Helan said this idea is very essential, namely regional autonomy is quite one level, namely districts/cities, because districts/cities are closer to the people and provide direct services to the people.

The province, he said, is enough to become a deconcentration device, so the governor does not need to be elected by the people as is still in effect today.

The Undana Faculty of Law lecturer said that thus the governor as the central apparatus in the regions was appointed by the appointment of a minister by the president after the president was sworn in.

"The minister leads the government sector such as education, health, and others. The governor is replaced by the head of the provincial region who is tasked with coordinating, supervising, and fostering the autonomy of district/city areas," he also said.

Tuba Helan said, however, there were consequences when this idea was realized, namely that there would be no more provincial-level Regional House of Representatives (DPRD).

In addition, at the provincial level, he said, there is no need for regional offices and agencies, but it is sufficient to be equipped with a secretariat consisting of experts in the sectoral sector, in order to foster the implementation of regional government.

Therefore, he said, to realize this idea, it needs to be discussed more intensively, but in principle this idea is very advanced for the welfare of the people.

"This idea is indeed very advanced for the welfare of the people, but to make it happen it needs to be discussed by various parties more intensively," he also said.

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