The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung, Irwan Sukri Banuwa, admitted that he had received dozens of prospective students so that they could be accepted at state universities. The request came from a number of members of the DPR RI, DPRD, business partners to members of the Lampung Regional Police. "In 2022 there will be 41 people who entrust prospective students to me and only one person who does not pass to enter Unila," said Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture at Unila Irwan Sukri Banuwa while giving testimony at the follow-up trial of the 2022 Unila new student admission bribery case at the Tanjungkarang Corruption Court, Bandarlampung, Antara, Tuesday, January 31. Irwan revealed that the prospective student entrusted to him was a deposit from a close colleague who was all known. "Yes, all those who entrust prospective students, I know him," he said. During the trial, the public prosecutor showed evidence of students entrusted to the Dean of Agricultural University, including civil servants of the Lampung Bappeda, non-commissioned officers of the Lampung Regional Police, business partners, grandchildren of the former regent of Mesuji, members of the Lampung DPRD, members of Commission X DPR RI, and people within the Faculty of Agriculture. Unila. "From those who entrusted it, I did not receive any gifts or money at all. It was all because I wanted to help," said Irwan. He also said that after receiving the deposit of prospective students, he reported to the Deputy Chancellor I of Unila Heryandi and submitted a list of prospective students entrusted to the selection committee for accepting new students named Helmi. "I first reported it to the vice chancellor, then handed over the list of names entrusted to Helmi," he said. In the follow-up trial of the bribery case for the acceptance of Unila's new students in 2022 with three defendants, namely Karomani, Heryandi, and M. Basri, the KPK prosecutor planned to present five witnesses, but only three people were present. The three witnesses were the Head of the Unila Budiono Internal Control Unit (SPI), the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture at Unila Irwan Sukri Banuwa, and the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Unila Suripto Dwi Yuwono. Meanwhile, two other witnesses who were not present were Acting Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education at the Ministry of Research and Technology Dikti Tjijik Sri Tjahjandarie and Syiah Kuala University lecturer Ahmad Nizam.

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