JAKARTA - Member of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives Guspardi Gaus expressed his concern with the phenomenon of civil servants (PNS) or state civil servants (ASNs) being involved in credit loans (ASNs) that are feared to trigger acts of corruption due to difficulty paying installments. "We feel concerned about the large number of civil servants who are in debt, and it could result in civil servants doing various ways to obtain funds that are not in accordance with the law such as committing corruption in order to pay their credit installments," said Guspardi as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 30. He explained the phenomenon and influence of the lifestyle of civil servants to be one of the factors behind their trapping with credit loans. "Consumptive and uncontrolled lifestyles become a trend for civil servants to pawn SKs (decision letters) to financial institutions in order to close monthly expenses that are too high, so they do not realize that they have withdrawn many loans from credit," said Guspardi assessed that civil servants who "forced their civil servants' decrees" into lending institutions because the civil servants used them more to support consumptive lifestyles after obtaining credit. "This means that loan funds are mostly used to fulfill their desires and desires than the needs they need, plus with poor financial management that result in them being entangled with loans., but according to their needs, "said the member of the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the Indonesian House of Representatives (PAN-RB).

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