JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency emphasized the importance of deepening and tracing in more detail related to terrorism cases. It is possible that the government will know the flow of funds from the group.

"This also aims to ensure that the movement of those who have bad intentions, planning, recruitment to raising public funds for interests that violate the law can be dealt with," said Head of BNPT Police Commissioner General Boy Rafli Amar in Jakarta, Monday, January 30, as reported by Antara.

Komjen Boy said to uncover the flow of funds, the recruitment process to fundraising was a role for the police and the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK).

"We really need the role of a number of stakeholders in exploring various information that allows abuse irregularities, including those related to funding issues," explained the Head of BNPT.

As an institution that carries out activities to prevent criminal acts of terrorism, BNPT continues to strengthen coordination with various relevant ministries and institutions.

In addition to strengthening cooperation with various parties, BNPT also continues to intensify five national vaccines. The five national vaccines in question are transformation of national insight, revitalization of Pancasila values, religious moderation, preservation of national cultural roots and transformation of welfare development.

The Deputy Head of the National Police Education and Training Institute believes that the five vaccines implemented through these various activities can narrow the dissemination of terrorism ideology or ideology.

He gave an example of the transformation of welfare development initiated by BNPT by involving former convicts of terrorism cases and survivors capable of having a positive impact.

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