The Riau Islands Province General Election Commission (KPU) has determined the status of ineligible (TMS) for 16 names or identities of the local Bawaslu ranks who have been painted by a number of candidates for DPD members.

"We have changed the status of not meeting the requirements to become TMS on the names of candidates for DPD members based on a letter from the Riau Islands Bawaslu," said Riau Islands KPU member Arison in Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands (Kepri), Monday, January 30, confiscated by Antara.

Even though he is a TMS status, according to him, all the Riau Islands Bawaslu ranks whose names have been categorized as candidates for DPD members must personally send a letter to the Riau Islands KPU.

"This has a mechanism that must be followed. We have asked parties whose names or identities are used to support candidates for DPD members, even though it is not true, to be able to send individual objection letters," he said.

He stated that the 16 identities of the Riau Islands Bawaslu ranks are still in the nomination system. These names can be removed after all candidates for DPD members get access to open the nomination system.

"Later they will get that access," he said.

Based on the data, the 16 election organizers came from the ranks of Bawaslu Batam, Bawaslu Karimun, Bawaslu Bintan, and Bawaslu Anambas Islands. A total of six candidates for DPD members use their identities.

The identities of the Batam Bawaslu ranks were mostly painted by prospective members of the DPD RI, with details of four members of Bawaslu Batam, one member of Panwaslu, Sei Beduk District, one member of Panwaslu, Behind Padang District, two members of Panwaslu, Sagulung District, and one member of Panwaslu, Batam Kota District.

Two members of the Panwaslu Sub-districts of North Siantan and Panwaslu, Central Siantan District in Anambas Islands Regency, were also painted by two prospective candidates for the Riau Islands Regional Representative Council (DPD RI). Then one member of the Panwaslu, Teluk Bintan District, in Bintan Regency, was painted by one individual member of the DPD RI.

In addition, two members and one Bawaslu staff of Karimun Regency were also taken by one individual member of the DPD RI. The prospective DPD RI candidate also included one member of the Panwaslu District, Kundur in Karimun as his supporter.

Riau Islands Bawaslu member Indrawan gave his appreciation to the Riau Islands KPU for changing its status to TMS.

"The letter from the Riau Islands Bawaslu has represented the problem, so the Riau Islands KPU should have changed its status before it met the requirements to TMS," he said.

The Riau Islands General Election Commission has determined that all candidates for the Riau Islands Regional Representative Council (DPD RI) will meet the requirements for minimum support for voters based on the results of administrative verification. The candidates for the Riau Islands Regional Representative Council (DPD RI) electoral candidates are David Farel S, Dharma Setiawan, Dwi Ajeng Sekar Respaty, Gerry Yasid, Hardi Selamat hood, Haripinto Tanuwidjaja, Hotman Hutapea, Ria Saptarika, Richard Hamonangan Pasaribu, Sirajudin Nur, Stephanie Gerard Martogi, Alias Wello, Andhika Bintang Prasetya, Ismeth Abdullah, Juanda, Raja Imran Hanafi, and Sunarto Poniman.

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