JAKARTA - The Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, emphasized that 2021 is the year of the fight against COVID-19, and for civil servants who are not ready to fight are welcome to step aside from the structural bureaucracy in the Bogor City government.
He said this at the "Meditation and Prayer Together at the end of 2020" at Bogor City Hall, Thursday 31 December. The event was attended by, among others, Korem Commander 061 / Suryakencana, TNI Brigadier General Achmad Fauzi, Kodim Commander 0606 / Bogor, Colonel Infantry Robby Bulan, Commander of Military Police III / 1 Siliwangi Desachment, CPM Lieutenant Colonel Sutrisno, Deputy Head of Bogor City Police, AKBP Arsal Sahban, as well as the Bogor Regional Secretary, Syarifah Sofiah.
Also attending were representatives of interfaith figures including KH Mustofa Abdullah Bin Nuh (Islam), Pastor Torang Panjaitan (Christian), Pastor Michael Endro (Catholic), Made Sutem (Hindu), Candra Kusuma (Buddha) and Tjoa Ang Tries (Konghucu). ).
Bima Arya stated that within the Bogor City government, civil servants who became leaders in both regional apparatus organizations, including heads of offices and regions such as sub-district heads and village heads, were fighters.
"Civil servants who are not fighters should step aside. For cowardly civil servants, please resign from their positions. Especially if civil servants who are selfish and oriented to accumulate material, please resign," he said, quoted from Antara.
He emphasized that in 2021 the Bogor City government will face COVID-19 by fighting. "There is no other choice but to fight. Civil servants must become fighters," he said.
He also stated that there would be a rotation and promotion of positions in the bureaucratic structure within the Bogor City Government, in January 2021.
"Currently, an evaluation is being carried out," he said.
Previously, he said, he was evaluating fundamentally and thoroughly the performance of the Health Office which was considered slow in handling and anticipating COVID-19 in Bogor.
According to him, the Health Service has been slow in handling COVID-19, especially in the tracing, testing and treatment processes of residents.
"The Health Office should have moved quickly in tracking, testing and treatment to reduce the increase in the spread of positive cases of COVID-19," he said.
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