JAKARTA - The fraudulent act with the mode of digital wedding invitations is starting to spread by targeting users of the Whatsapp application. The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police intervened to investigate.

Meanwhile, the fraud mode is by sending a wedding invitation. However, if a Whatsapp application user presses or clicks, it will be directed to an application in the APK format.

Allegedly, from the application the perpetrators could steal personal data. In fact, to mobile banking accounts.

Director of Cyber Crime at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Adi Vivid has not been able to comment much. However, he emphasized, his party is currently investigating the fraud mode.

"Regarding the new mode of using the team's wedding invitation, we are still investigating," Vivid said when confirmed, Saturday, January 28.

However, at this time Bareskrim has not received any reports from victims with the fraud mode.

So, if there are already parties who are victims, they are advised to report immediately. This is because the police can take action based on the police report (LP).

"We urge anyone who becomes a victim to report it immediately so that it can be handled quickly," said Vivid.

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