The BANDARLAMPUNG-BUMN postal area of PT Pos Indonesia provides financial assistance for Rice ATM operations at the Miftahul Jannah Jagabaya II Mosque, Way Halim District, Bandarlampung, Lampung Province. Rice ATM is a rice aid-splitting machine for families in need, by using electronic card technology similar to an independent cash machine. The Rp75 million disbursed through the company's social and environmental responsibility (TJSL) program, according to an official statement received by Antara in Jakarta, Saturday, January 28, was handed over by the Business Development and Portfolio Management Director of Pos Indonesia Praasbri Pesti."TJSL assistance carried out by Pos Indonesia is a manifestation of the company's commitment to sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs) by providing benefits to the economic, social, legal, and governance fields for stakeholders," said Prasabri. He added, the TJSL program is an obligation of SOEs to provide assistance to the community as well as a form of responsibility for Pos Indonesia that is growing with the community. "This is a form of gratitude for our performance that grows positively, "said Prasabri.Masjid manager Miftahul Sutowo explained that for eight months, the rice ATM program has provided assistance of as much as 6.7 tons of rice for 144 families. "Each head of the family gets a 3-liter or 2.3 kilogram and is distributed every Thursday," he said.Prasabri hopes that the rice ATM program can be developed more widely. He also appreciates the use of technology in the aid distribution so as to facilitate operation and control. In addition to the assistance of Miftahul Jannah rice operations, on the same occasion Pos Indonesia also provides assistance for the operation of Al Barokah Jagabaya Mosjid, Way Halim, Bandarlampung. Implementation of the TJSL Pos Indonesia program is carried out based on four pillars, namely economic development, the environment, and governance. The assistance in Bandarlamp is an embodiment of the social development pillar with the goal of achieving quality human basic rights to improve community welfare.

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