JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) provides technical training on the conversion of oil-fueled motorcycles (BBM) into electric motorcycles for 22 DKI Jakarta residents. Force I training as a result of cooperation between the Center for Human Resources Development, Electricity, New Energy, Renewable Energy (PPSDM KEBTKE) Ministry of Energy and the KEBTKE Center for Survey and Testing (BBSP) took place at Campus (PPSDM KEBTKE), Jakarta, on January 24-31, 2023.

"The use of private vehicles is one of the contributors to the consumption of fossil fuels, which increases emissions and has a bad impact on health and the environment," said Head of PPSDM KEBTKE of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Susetyo Edi Prabowo, when opening training as quoted by Antara from the release of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jakarta, Saturday, January 28.

Therefore, he continued, an energy transition policy was made, namely replacing the use of fossil energy sources into new and renewable energy sources (EBT) in stages, with a target of 23 percent use of EBT by 2025.

This was also driven by Indonesia's commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 29 percent by 2030, one of which is the mission of achieving this energy transition is the transition from fueled vehicles to electricity.

"Motorcycles are one of the targets of converting the use of electric vehicles considering that motorcycles are the mainstay of Indonesian people's mobility because of their accessibility and affordability. Conventional fuel motorcycles can be converted into electric motorcycles, but while still prioritizing performance and quality, they are suitable for daily use," he said.

According to Susetyo, in order to make the electric motorcycle conversion program a success, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources carried out the training for converting electric motorcycles. "It is hoped that this series of activities can produce reliable human resources in carrying out the conversion of fuel motorcycles into electric motorcycles," he said.

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