TANGERANG - The Tangerang Regency Population and Family Planning Service (DPPKB) said the number of stunting cases in children in their area had decreased.

The head of the Tangerang Regency DPPKB, Dr. Hendra Tarmizi, said that from 16,100 cases in 2021 to 9,200 cases in 2022.

"Since 2021, the stunting rate in us has been 16,100 cases, and yesterday at the end of 2022 there were 9,200 cases recorded. So there was a decline of almost 100 percent," he said in Tangerang, Friday, January 27, as reported by Antara.

Hendra continued, from the results of the survey on Indonesia's nutritional status, there were 8 regencies/cities in Banten Province with the decrease in stunting cases, Tangerang Regency was in the top four most cases of stunting in children.

"Based on the Tangerang Regency survey, it is in the fourth position out of eight regencies/cities in Banten," he said.

According to him, with the remaining 9,100 cases of stunting for children currently showing the handling of stunting carried out by the cooperation of the acceleration team for the decline from various stakeholders has yielded quite positive results.

"And this is the result of our joint efforts to reduce stunting rates, both programs from the Health Service and from the DPPKB," he said.

Furthermore, said Hendra, with the positive result of suppressing the stunting rate, So, in 2023 his party will continue to make efforts to accelerate the reduction in stunting by directly going to the field to educate the public and revitalize posyandu.

"Especially from the Health Office, it will treat stunted children, then DPPKB conducts socialization and prevention to families who are at risk of stunting from door to door," he said.

Then, in addition to conducting socialization and treatment in prevention, his party will also cooperate with the local Settlement Service to build latrine facilities for underprivileged families in the area.

"Meanwhile, for the Tangerang Regency area, the most stunting cases have been recorded, namely in the northern region, where there are 500 stunting cases in each sub-district," he said.

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