SURABAYA - Director of Community Participation Deputy for Community Empowerment of BNN, Richard M. Nainggolan said the mode of drug trafficking continues to develop every year.

"In 2023, there will definitely be new modes that will be used to smuggle drugs into various regions," said on the sidelines of the Technical Working Meeting (Rakernis) in Surabaya, Thursday, January 26, quoted by Antara.

BNN is committed to continuing to develop efforts to prevent and eradicate narcotics. "Well, this is a challenge from the National BNN and also a challenge from the local government to be able to reveal it. What is certain is that talking about drug trafficking is very dynamic," said Richard.

Richard revealed that the most drug findings during 2022 were marijuana and ecstasy. Unfortunately, he did not specify the findings.

Meanwhile, Deputy for BNN Rehabilitation, Riza Sarasvita said that this year her party has not planned to create a new rehabilitation concept. BNN is still based on the standard quality referred to by SNI 8807:2019 as a benchmark.

In addition, the BNN RI has not planned to add a rehabilitation facility, because to add rehabilitation places, it is necessary to see the Organizational and Work Procedure Structure (SOTK) of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB) RI.

"From us it is still limited, but what is built by the community (rehabilitation) continues to grow. It is one of our tasks to improve their ability so that the standard is optimal," said Riza.

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