JAKARTA - Member of Commission V DPR Suryadi Jaya Purnama criticized the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) plan to implement electronic road pricing (ERP) on 25 roads in the Capital City to overcome congestion.
The reason is, all types of motorized vehicles will be affected by ERP, including online motorcycle taxis (ojol). Meanwhile, those that were not affected by ERP include electric bicycles, general yellow plated motorized vehicles, official vehicles, ambulances and firefighters and diplomatic corps.
The implementation of ERP, said Suryadi, will certainly have an impact on people's lives, considering that many people use motorbikes as a means of meeting their daily needs.
Moreover, the current economic condition of the community has not fully recovered after the COVID-19 pandemic. Not to mention the threat of a global crisis that is often conveyed by President Joko Widodo.
"Therefore, we reject the ERP implementation plan in Jakarta. Because the implementation of this ERP, apart from burdening the community, will only move traffic jams," Suryadi told reporters, Thursday, January 26.
Suryadi continued, the government should first resolve the root of congestion problems that occur in the Jabodetabek area.
Where according to him, the main problem is the increase in the number of private vehicles which is not followed by a significant increase in the length of the road.
Based on BPS data in 2021, the number of motorized vehicles in Jakarta has reached 21.75 million units or grew 7.6 percent with the highest proportion being motorcycles reaching 75.92 percent. On the other hand, road growth is only 0.01 percent per year.
However, said Suryadi, in the last five years, the coverage of public transportation services in Jakarta has almost doubled from 42 percent to 82 percent.
With better public transportation, according to him, the central government should not even make policies that will increase the use of private vehicles such as electric vehicle subsidies. Because the policy is tantamount to inviting people to own private vehicles.
"We are of the opinion that the solution to the congestion problem is the limitation of vehicle ownership, the increase in the number of public transportation, and the addition and improvement of road infrastructure," he said.
The PKS legislator explained that various alternative ERP itself had actually been designed in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 55 of 2018 concerning the Jabodetabek Transportation Master Plan for 2018-2029. Among other things, traffic management and engineering in the Central Business District (CBD) area, application of Bus Priority Sisters at intersections, application of the Meter Parking Electronic System, and supervision of goods transportation.
In addition, according to him, this problem must also be resolved together with the Jakarta buffer zone, not individually. Considering that many residents from Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi work in Jakarta and use private vehicles because transportation is generally inadequate.
So, added Suryadi, one of the best ways to solve this problem is through the revision of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ Law).
"However, we regret that the discussion on the revision of this law has not been continued, even though it is very much needed to be able to improve transportation governance in Indonesia," he said.
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