JAKARTA - Investigators at the Directorate of Certain Crimes, Bareskrim Polri, arrested the RPS (52) suspect in a criminal case of illegal logging without a permit.

RPS as the leader of UD. Karya Abadi is considered responsible for cases of illegal logging by his company in various locations in Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan.

"Illegal logging locations are found in many places in Katingan Regency. However, what was carried out by the Criminal Investigation Unit was in Tumbang Tangoi Village, Batu Tukan Village and KM 35 in Tumbang Hiran Village," said Head of Sub-Directorate III of the Directorate of Certain Crimes, Bareskrim Polri Kombes Kurniadi at Bareskrim Polri. , Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 30.

Bareskrim investigators, assisted by the Central Kalimantan Police and South Kalimantan Regional Police, arrested the RPS suspect in Ampah, East Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan.

In this case, apart from RPS, UD. Karya Abadi was also named a corporate suspect.

This company is known to have contracts to supply wood to several companies. However, in practice, the company carried out illegal logging in forest areas in Katingan Regency to be produced into processed wood without documents.

To protect this illegal logging action from being monitored by the authorities, UD. Karya Abadi utilizes official documents from other suppliers that are included in the Online Forest Product Administration Information Letter (SIPUHH-online) so that the production products from the company can get a transportation document in the form of a legal forest product certificate (SKSHHK-KO).

Investigators later found that the SKSHHK-KO documents were duplicated to meet the document requirements for the transportation of processed wood to be sold to consumers in Java and Kalimantan.

"UD Karya Abadi received a wood fulfillment contract, but it was not in accordance with the licensing capabilities that it controlled, forged documents and documents were used repeatedly," said Kurniadi.

So far, investigators have asked 42 witnesses for testimony. In this case, investigators seized a number of evidences, namely 150 meranti logs, 6,586 meranti logs, two excavators, one bulldozer, one jonder, one truck, six dump trucks and one double cabin vehicle.

Then confiscated several documents consisting of IUIPHHK, SKSHHK, permit documents and other documents.

For his actions, the RPS suspect was charged under Article 83 paragraph (4) letter a Jo Article 12 letter d and / or Article 83 paragraph (4) letter b Jo Article 12 letter e Law Number 18 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction as referred to has been amended by Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation with the threat of imprisonment of at least 5 years to 15 years and a fine of IDR 5 billion to IDR 15 billion.

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