JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that it is easier for rural communities to practice corruption. They are found to be more easily entangled in fraudulent practices than the city community. "Villages that should be full of harmony, smile, wisdom and wisdom values turned out to be more corrupt than the city community," said KPK Director of Community Participation Development Kumbul Kusdwijanto Sudjadi in a written statement, Wednesday, January 25. Kumbul's statement was based on data held by the KPK. It was stated that there were 601 corruption cases in the village with 688 suspects in the 2015-2022 period. In addition, the basis of this statement also cites a survey by the Central Statistics Agency in 2021. It is stated that the corrupt behavior carried out by rural communities has a value of 3.83. "This should be our common concern," he said. There are at least a number of things that the government should pay attention to this phenomenon. One of them is related to village fund management whose budget value reaches trillions of rupiah. "The amount of village funds has not been managed properly and is a source of triggering corruption in the village," said Kumbul. Kumbul said, village funds, which this year's budget ceiling has reached Rp70 trillion, must be managed effectively. How, create programs or activities that can improve the welfare of the people. The KPK reminded that there should no longer be a corruption budget for village funds. Moreover, large funds are vulnerable and if not used properly, the people will be affected. "If the village head already has experience and knowledge of how good governance is, a good monitoring system, good public services, he will trust himself to take his village in a good direction," he concluded.

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