JAKARTA - Having problems in the kidney is one of the things that is very dangerous for the body. because the kidney organ has a major role, namely filtering blood, to remove metabolic remnants in the body.

So you really need RECARE herbal medicine to help treat problems in your kidney, and can improve. Autoimmune Care also has free consultation services that will help you share all the symptoms and complaints so far. If you are afraid or embarrassed to see a doctor, please consult Autoimmune Care, Autoimmune Care will maintain your privacy completely.

RECARE is an herbal for kidney disease produced with nanotechnology so as to maximize the effects of therapy. RECARE itself also has a distribution permit from BPOM so it is guaranteed to be safe for health as long as it is consumed according to use rules.

RECARE contains several types of selected herbs that stimulate cell repair in the kidney. Regular consumption can help overcome problems in the kidney organ so that its function can be better than before.

The composition of ingredients in RECARE is the extract of herbal samatoo, tempuyung, and stimuli. Through the natural chemical compound content in the two types of herbs, RECARE contains Flavonoid Polimetoxy flavon acts as a diuretic.

Diuretic effects are given to help prevent salt (natrium and chloride) absorption, so that it can relieve the work of the kidneys in filtering the content of excess salt. Then this salt can be removed from the body through urine.

Tempuyung extract in RECARE is not only diuretic, but also effective in reducing gout levels. In addition, the flavonoid content in it can also help break down kidney stones.

This Flavonid can help form compounds in the Ca Flavonoid complex that are more easily dissolved in water. So that the water in the urine can help erode the rock formed in the kidneys and then come out with the urine while weat.

RECARE also contains several antioxidant compounds such as alkaloids, triterpenoids, and saponins. This antioxidant compound is known to be useful for maintaining the health of the body by strengthening the immune system.

The herbal content while on the inside of RECARE also makes this herbal medicine contains active substances andrographolide. This active substance can act as hepatoprotective, antibacterial (overcoming bacterial infections), antipirritis (overcoming fever), and immunostimulant (enhancing the immune system).

RECARE herbal medicine is intended for kidney disease patients. Such as kidney stones, kidney failure patient care, and so on. Through its working method, RECARE is consumed regularly and according to the following benefits:

- Overcoming kidney stones - Overcoming Kemeh Channel Infection (ISK) - Overcoming Nefrolithiasis - Overcoming the Tubulus Kidney Defect - Overcoming other kidney organ problems.

Extracting from sambayoto, tempuyung, and stimuli in the herbal medicine RECARE makes it contain a number of active chemical compounds. This content makes it work effectively to overcome problems in the kidney organs. Here's the explanation:

1. Tempuyung The first composition in the RECARE herbal medicine is the extract of herbal tempuyung. Tempuyung herbal extract provides active compound flavonoids, alkaloids, and also potassium.

Active compounds of flavonoids, alkaloids, and potassium provide a diuretic effect that can prevent salt absorption. So that excessive salt intake can be more easily removed from the body through this effect.

In addition, these active compounds are also effective in dealing with excessive levels of gout. The process of lowering uric acid levels is through inhibiting the work of xsantin oxide enzymes.

2. Sambiloto Extract sambiloto in the herbal medicine RECARE has a chemical compound complex of Flavonoid Polimetoxy flavon. This complex chemical compound can be a diuretic that prevents salt absorption.

This will ease the work of the kidneys when filtering blood and releasing excess salt through urine. The kidneys that work not too hard will be maintained.

Not only that, but sambiloto also contains andrographolide compounds that have hepatoprotective, antibacterial effects (overcoming bacterial infections), antipiritis (overcoming fever), and immunostimulant (enhancing the immune system).

Regular consumption according to dose rules helps overcome health problems in the kidney. At the same time helping to maintain health with antibacterial effects and other effects that have been explained previously.

3. RECARE cigarettes also contain pangogan extracts that contain active compounds Flavonoid, Polyphenol, vitamin C, and triterpenoids. The flavonoid in RECARE helps destroy rocks formed in the kidney organ (cellstone disease).

In addition, it also contains triterpenoidal compounds and saponins that have antioxidant activity so that they can strengthen the immune system. Regular reCARE drinks can help maintain and restore the body's health.

Health disorders in the kidneys certainly deserve to be watched out for, whatever the type. Those of you who suffer from kidney stones certainly feel uncomfortable when planting because you have to feel extraordinary pain.

Every disorder in the kidney organ if not treated quickly and appropriately will lead to kidney failure. Usually, doctors will suggest patients undergo dialysis procedures or be analyzed which can be undertaken for life.

In addition to the expensive costs, patients must also prepare energy and time to be able to dialysis between 1-2 times per week. Therefore, every time you experience a complaint with the kidney organ, it should be addressed immediately.

You can rely on RECARE herbal medicine which helps overcome several types of disorders or diseases in the kidney organ. In addition, consumption can also be used to assist kidney failure patients who have routine dialysis.

Information about products and bookings can visit PT Autoimincare Indonesia's official store. Here are some official store addresses that can be visited:

Website: autoimmuncare.co.idShopee: aicistrecenter Lazada: Autoimmuncare Indonesia Tokopedia: Herbal Autoimuncare drug

In addition, you can also consult for free with the ADHS team to ask questions about RECARE. Starting from the composition of ingredients, drinking rules, complaints that are felt after consumption, how to store, and so on.

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