JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Bogor Regency, West Java, said the burning of the Al Quran by a Swedish-Denmark right-wing extremist in Stockholm, Sweden, was a threat to religious tolerance.

Head of the Education and Cadre Division of the Bogor Regency MUI, Aep Saepudin Muhtar in Cibinong, Bogor, urged the Swedish Government to take firm action against the perpetrators of the burning of copies of the Quran.

"This will threaten religious stability and tolerance in the world, lest the Swedish government be silent over the burning of copies of the Koran," said the man who is familiarly called Gus Udin, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 23.

According to him, the arson could trigger similar behavior if there was no action by the authorities.

"Don't leave it alone, this is a threat. Do not let this omission become a gap for party leaders who do not respect the beliefs and religions of others," said the former administrator of the Malaysian Nahdlatul Ulama Special Branch (PCI-NU).

Gus Udin also warned that the same thing should not be done by political actors in Indonesia. This is because religious polarization will have a very bad impact on inter-religious tolerance.

"The 2019 election is a bad record for the occurrence of religious polarization. Do not let it happen again in the upcoming elections," said Gus Udin.

He also reminded the Indonesian people not to be provoked by irresponsible political actors in maintaining religious stability for their personal interests.

"Indonesia is a model of religious tolerance in the world, lest because of the interests of a handful of irresponsible political actors, this nation is divided," he said.

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