As many as nine Confucian convicts in West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) received remission for the Chinese New Year 2574 or 2023 AD.

"The handover of remissions is centered in Singkawang Class II B Prison. The Chinese New Year remission given is a special remission in accordance with the religion of each correctional inmates," said Head of the Correctional Division of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) West Kalimantan in Singkawang, West Kalimantan, Sunday, January 22, was confiscated by Antara.

Pemerintah sudah mengakui warga negaranya dengan kepercayaan Konghucu sehingga mereka juga mendapatkan hak remisi khusus Hari Raya Imlek tahun ini.

For West Kalimantan, there are nine inmates who received special remissions for Chinese New Year. They consist of three people from the Class II A Pontianak Prison, three people from the Singkawang Class II B Prison, two people from Ketapang Prison and one person from the Sambas Detention Center.

"The Chinese New Year remission is given to prisoners who actively participate in coaching programs, especially in personality development and obedience in carrying out their worship in accordance with their respective religions and at least have served a criminal period of six months," he said.

During those six months, he said, prisoners must behave well, which is determined by an assessment based on the SPPN and there are no violations of the rules or disciplinary penalties recorded in the F register.

Of the nine inmates who received Chinese New Year remission, some received 15 days of remission and some received remission for one month and 15 days.

"To prisoners who have received remission, they can maintain their behavior, obey the rules, both in prisons and detention centers and can be an example for other prisoners so that the rights of other prisoners can be given in accordance with applicable regulations," he said.

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