JAKARTA - Secretary of the High Council of the Democratic Party, Andi Mallarangeng explained, the discussion of the small team is getting closer to reaching an agreement on his party's coalition plan with the NasDem Party, and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). "In talks from the small team's report, it is getting closer and at that point we will reach an agreement," Andi said after a discussion entitled "Figur The leader of the 2024 Presidential Candidate Party", in Jakarta, Friday, January 21. However, he dismissed the declaration that the change coalition will be announced in the near future. Instead of a race at the deadline, according to him, the most important thing is how to reach a mutual agreement. "We don't have a deadline. We are important that all necessary agreements have been decided, agreed upon. If that has been agreed, all in one package we are ready to declare," he said. Andi hopes that a mutual agreement related to the coalition of changes will be reached to be finally announced to the public. He said the process is only a little more to be realized.

"Everything has been agreed together, but indeed our position is that we agreed to make a joint declaration first. Hopefully it can be faster," he said. He said that the Democratic Party was flexible in the decision of the figure who would accompany Anies Baswedan as a vice presidential candidate (cawapres), even though it was judged that the General Chairperson of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) was able to increase votes and electability. "We have never forced AHY, no, but don't force him to say 'this', we are all three (PKS, Democrats, and NasDem) equal," he said.

The former Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) then joked, "If (the title) is a song 'Ojo Compared-Bandingke', we are willing to compare it, if there is something better, please". Andi mentioned that certain parties are resistant to the presence of a coalition of changes. "There are those who are resistant to the coalition of changes because if this is formed behind them are millions of people who want change and improvement," he said.

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