JAKARTA - In the city of Bandung, a youth gang phenomenon has emerged that is troubling the community with the name Reserve or Cari Gara-Gara.

"Right now there is a Reserve group. He said the term was looking for it because it's a bit strange," said Bandung City Regional Secretary (Sekda) Ema Sumarna at the Bandung Polrestabes, Friday, January 20, quoted by Antara.

Ema Sumarna is concerned about the existence of the group. He promised to gather all sub-district heads in Bandung to discuss matters relating to public order, especially anticipating children not to fall into similar groups.

He also admitted that he did not know the exact number of students in the city of Bandung who were involved with motorcycle gangs.

He said the authority of the management of junior high schools (SMP) and high schools (SMA) was different.

"We just arrived at junior high and equivalent, if high school is the authority of the Provincial Education Office," he said.

Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of the Bandung City RW Forum, Lili Maulana, said the existence of the gang came from the Padasuka area, Bandung City.

According to him, the presence of members of the Reserve gang has mushroomed in every RW since the last few years.

According to Lili, the majority of the children who took part in the gang were junior high school students and chaired by a woman.

In fact, he said, there were elementary school children who joined the gang.

Apart from being disturbing, according to him, they often act disrespectfully and unethically to the local community.

If left unchecked, he fears the gang's existence will lead to criminal acts.

"So if there is a RW chairman who disbands them, they will even fight back. There has been a RW chairman who was visited by a gang whose members are more mature. Maybe the Reserve gang was arrested by other gangs," said Lili.

Unfortunately, he said, the majority of the parents of the gang's children seemed to let their children wander around at night.

"This is sad that the group collides with prestige, if there are children, not the group, they are beaten, or they are intercepted at their school," he said.

For this reason, Lili also asked the Bandung City Government to install surveillance cameras or CCTV in each RW to monitor the movements of youth gangs that have the potential to mushroom in the city of Bandung.

"If every RW has CCTV, it is detected, if they commit a criminal act they run to another RW, it is detected. I ask for CCTV not only for my RW, but the whole city of Bandung," said Lili.

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