JAKARTA - The war in Ukraine, which has entered its eleventh month, since Russia sent its troops on February 24, has not shown any signs of ending soon, despite heavy casualties and injuries on both sides, both civilian and military.

Thursday, the Kremlin announced conditions that could quickly end the conflict in Ukraine, namely Kyiv accepting Moscow's demands.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia would achieve its goals "in one way or another". He said it would be better to accept Russia's position and sit at the negotiating table.

"The Ukrainian regime is increasingly showing its readiness to meet Russia's demands - which will be achieved one way or another - the sooner everything will end, and the sooner the Ukrainian people can begin to recover after this tragedy, which began by the regime in Kyiv," Peskov told reporters. January 19.

Earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had outlined a 10-point peace plan for conflict resolution, starting with the transfer of Russian troops from parts of occupied Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Russia said it was open to negotiations, but had not publicly outlined details of its negotiating position or what it sought from Kyiv to end the war.

Moscow said it was struggling for Ukrainian denazification and protecting Russian speakers in eastern the country.

In contrast, Kyiv and West rejected this claim as baseless pretext, for the seizure of colonial-style land by Moscow.

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