JAKARTA - Clinical visits from the Cipto Mangunkusumo National Center General Hospital, dr. Gina Anindyajati Sp.KJ said that the habit of staying up late at a young age can affect the function of brain metabolism which can cause dimensions or miscarriage. "As a result, in the future someone who has a habit of sleeping late at night will be at risk of experiencing cognitive function disorders that are known for their dimensions or sleepiness," he said in an online discussion with the theme ‘ Developing World Harmony Work with Personal Life ’ which was followed in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, January 18. This practice at Angsamerah Clinic also adds that this habit will hinder the brain which is supposed to perform repair functions at night when someone sleeps. In addition, at the age of workers, the habit of staying up late will also cause concentration disorders so that problems arise in completing their work and lead to mood swings that become more sensitive to the surroundings. “ In people who are difficult to sleep, there is a change in the atmosphere, the feelings are more sensitive, they are more angry, social tolerance is low, so instead of getting work done quickly, they are even more complicated and become new pressure,” said Gina. Not only that, the habit of sleeping at night accompanied by fast food consumption or instant food can also cause health problems that lurk in the future. When eating salted or sweet fast food while working late at night, it causes a buildup of fat due to the lack of physical activity carried out. As a result, health risks such as risk of stroke, heart disease and breathing, other metabolic disorders such as high blood pressure and excess body weight or obesity. "Actually, getting enough sleep is an investment in youth for old people who stay fit and fit and can work if they need to work in old age," he said. He mentioned that in a conference held in the UK regarding changes in society, it turned out to affect a person's physical health status. Human civilization changes over time to influence disease in humans today. “ Physical conditions are influenced by various things such as people who lack physical activity, eat fast food and drink alcohol, sleep late at night, this is an example of a simple habit that we might do everyday and ultimately have an impact on health conditions,” he said.

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