REJANG LEBONG - A leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) was released in the Bukit Kaba Nature Park area in the Rejang Lebong Regency area, Bengkulu.

"Today we just released a female leopard cat, female, adult, in good health, to Bukit Kaba TWA," said Head of Conservation Section Region I Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) Bengkulu-Lampung Said Jauhari, as quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, January 17.

According to him, the protected animals previously entered residents' homes adjacent to the plantation area in Tempel Rejo Village, Curup Selatan District, Rejang Lebong Regency.

The conservation officer was then dispatched to evacuate the leopard cat to the Office of Conservation Section I of the Bengkulu-Lampung BKSDA in Rejang Lebong and then release the animal to the Bukit Kaba Nature Tourism Park (TWA).

Said explained that the release of the leopard cat was the first wild animal release in 2023.

He said the BKSDA during 2022 was releasing various wild animals into their habitat.

Wild animals surrendered by residents and wild animals found in patrol activities during 2022 will be released at the Air Hitam TWA in Mukomuko Regency, the Rami Mukomuko Air Nature Reserve, and the Bukit Kaba TWA in Rejang Lebong.

Said appealed to residents to immediately report findings of wild animals entering settlements to the BKSDA.

"Wild animals are protected that enter settlements to be reported to officers so they can be relocated to their habitat," he said.

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