JAKARTA - The masses of village heads (kades) rallied asking for a revision of a number of articles in Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. Including articles related to the term of office of the village head from 6 years later it was extended to 9 years due to the transition of politics and leadership.

One of the participants in the demonstration by Robi Darwis, the Head of Poja Village, Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), considers that the new village head has to face politics from the old leadership and defeated candidates, so it takes adaptation to implement a new policy to advance the village. "Because for 6 years it is very lacking. Because for those 6 years, we still have political competition. We hope that when 9 years in the village head's position, political competition will be a little less because it will take a long time," said Robi after meeting the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Sufmi Dasco Ahmad in front of the DPR Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 17.

Robi explained that when the new village head leads to face political competition from the defeated candidates, he gets stuck in implementing the policy. The competition, he said, took time to erode until it finally disappeared.

"With us holding an audience with the DPR, we ask that this law be revised quickly. Because of our hope, the village head of all Indonesia wants 9 years as a village head. That is one of the things we hope for the president and chairman of the DPR," he said. Robi understands that the extension of the 9-year village head term must go through a procedure that takes quite a long time. However, this is the demand of the village heads throughout Indonesia so that the government and the DPR revise the Village Law. If it is not revised from 6 to 9 years, Robi threatens the village heads throughout Indonesia will hold even bigger demonstrations.

"We know a long time and have to do it procedurally, we understand there. But we hope that all village heads in Indonesia, this law will continue to be revised so that the village head's position becomes 9 years. If our position is not revised, then we all village heads in Indonesia are ready for a massive peaceful demonstration at the DPR RI Building," said Robi.

In addition to asking for an extension of the term of office, Robi said the village heads also hope that the rules in Law 6/2014 concerning Villages that regulate the status of village heads of affairs or village officials will be clarified.

"Second, what happened to village workers throughout Indonesia because their status is not yet clear, is PPPK? We don't know about civil servants yet. Third, we ask that after the village head's position is finished," said Robi.

After being met by Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, representatives of the village head's mass action will be accepted by the leadership of the council for an audience on Tuesday, January 17 this afternoon. They will have an audience with the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia so that they can express their aspirations.

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