JAKARTA - A MY Asean Youtube account has uploaded a parody of the Indonesia Raya national anthem. The video depicts the background of the Red and White flag accompanied by the Garuda Pancasila emblem.

This video is accompanied by the singing of someone who changed the arrangement of the song Indonesia Raya with lyrics connoting harassment of Indonesian figures.

The video is about one minute long and was uploaded about two weeks ago. However, currently Youtube has taken down this video. When traced, the MY Asean account with the Malaysian flag logo also no longer appears on Youtube.

When it was busy talking on social media since yesterday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) Kuala Lumpur directly addressed the government and related authorities in Malaysia over this incident.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) Teuku Faizasyah said that his party is waiting for the results of the investigation of the alleged Indonesia Raya song which was parodied by Malaysians.

"Furthermore, the Malaysian government is taking action on what the Indonesian government has conveyed in coordination with this case," Teuku said when confirmed by VOI, Monday, December 28.

Not only that, Bareksrim Polri confirmed that it would investigate the virality of the song Indonesia Raya whose lyrics were changed to insulting elements. In the investigation, the National Police will coordinate with the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Investigators, in this case cyber bareskrim, have certainly coordinated with the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and related agencies and of course this is part of the Cyber Crime investigator," said Head of Public Relations of the Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono.

The parody of the song Indonesia Raya by Malaysian YouTubers has drawn criticism from netizens. The anger was poured out all on Twitter's social media.

Monitored until Monday, December 28, yesterday, the hashtag #IndonesiaRaya is still perched at the top of Indonesia's Twitter trending topic. More than 411 thousand Indonesian netizens tweeted their anger regarding the issue of the national anthem.

Citizens think the composition of the song is not funny at all. They asked the Malaysian side to respect the Indonesian national anthem.

Malaysia opens its voice

The Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta also criticized the production of a video containing a parody of the song Indonesia Raya with a tone of abuse. Allegedly, the video was made in Malaysia.

"The Malaysian government strongly condemns any negative provocation which is intended to affect the close bilateral relations between Malaysia and Indonesia," wrote a statement from the Malaysian Embassy.

The Malaysian Embassy stressed that the authorities in the neighboring country were investigating the video which allegedly insulted Indonesia.

"If it turns out that the video was uploaded by a Malaysian citizen, then firm action will be taken based on the applicable law," said the statement.

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