JAKARTA - The doctor who served in the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) detention center ensured that the inactive Papua Governor Lukas Enembe was in good health. The suspect in the alleged bribery and gratification can carry out activities like other prisoners.

"We obtained confirmation from the detention center officers and the KPK doctors concerned who are in good health, can carry out activities like other prisoners, take a shower and others," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Monday, January 16.

Ali even said Lukas had the opportunity to exercise. However, the number one person in Papua cannot be visited carelessly because of the socialization period at the KPK Detention Center.

"Because indeed for new prisoners when entering the detention center, adjustments must be made," he said.

"So that there are physical visits directly from the family or legal advisors, there are temporary restrictions," Ali continued.

Even so, the KPK ensures that Lukas can still be visited by his family or his lawyer. However, they could not suddenly pick him up because they had to report first.

"Especially for legal advisors, we don't limit at all," said Ali.

Lawyers for the inactive Papua Governor Lukas Enembe, Petrus Bala Pattyona, had previously denied that his client was doing well in prison. Petrus said Lukas could not take care of himself in detention.

"So if you say Mr. Lukas is doing his own activities, it's not true. Because the needs of the pampers are only fitted by people," said Petrus to reporters, Monday, January 16.

Not only that, Lukas also asked for a number of needs to be performed by his attorney. Among them, sweet potatoes from Cilembu, diapers to perlak or bases.

Previously, Lukas was detained after he was named a suspect in alleged bribery and gratification in project procurement at the Papua Provincial Government. During his detention, he appeared to be using a wheelchair.

Lukas is suspected of receiving money from the Director of PT Tabi Bangun Papua, Rijantono Lakka, so that the company gets a project. It is suspected that this collusion was also carried out with officials in the Papua Provincial Government.

The agreement between them is to provide a fee of 14 percent of the contract value. Fee must be free from tax reduction.

At least, there are three projects that Rijantono got for this evil consensus. The first is the improvement of the Entro-Hamadi Road with a project value of Rp. 14.8 billion.

Rehabilitation of facilities and infrastructure supporting PAUD Integration with a project value of IDR 13.3 billion. Finally, the venue environmental planning project developed outdoor AURI with a project value of IDR 12.9 billion.

After the project was won, Rijantono handed over Rp1 billion to Lukas. In addition, Lukas is also suspected of receiving gratuities of up to billions of rupiah.

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