JAKARTA - A high school student named Ela Septiana (16), a resident of Duren Sawit, who had been missing after watching a cinema since November 19, 2022, surrendered to the parents (mother) of the US male busker who was suspected of being the perpetrator of the kidnapping.
"She (Ela Septiana/ES) wants to straighten the news, comes to the house of her US parent who has been accused of kidnapping," said Duren Sawit Police Chief Kompol Martson Marbun in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, January 12.
Marbun added that then US parents reported to the ranks of the Duren Sawit Police, until finally the victim was taken for further investigation by the Criminal Investigation Unit (Reskrim).
Marbun mengatakan berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan sementara diketahui bahwa Ela tinggal di indekos kawasan Jakarta Barat ketika hampir dua bulan dikabarkan hilang.
"If we look at Ela's confession, she just hangs out at the boarding house. There's no work, just hang out. Right now we're checking first. We'll call her parents, we'll leave it to their parents," said Marbun.
Furthermore, Marbun said that for the time being his party could not confirm whether Ela was missing because she was kidnapped by the US as alleged by her father because the investigation was still ongoing.
"We don't know if he's with A or not, we don't know. The only language is this Ella, she left on her own accord to calm down. A has not been secured, only ES and her mother A," said Marbun.
Previously, Ela was reported missing after saying goodbye to watching the cinema on November 19, 2022 with her friends.
Ela is known to have high physical characteristics of about 145 centimeters, white skin, and straight hair.
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