JAKARTA - Former Head of Subunit I Sub-Directorate III of the Criminal Investigation Directorate, Irfan Widyanto, said that three times he was ordered to replace CCTV around the location of the murder of Yosua alias Brigadier J. The figure who gave the order was the former Kaden A Paminal Agus Nurpatra. The testimony began when Irfan said he received orders from AKBP Ari Cahya alias Acay to meet Agus Nurpatra at the Police Complex, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta, on July 9. At that time, Irfan received the order. Arriving at the location, he also contacted Agus Nurpatra. "After I arrived at Duren Tiga I called again 'bang I have arrived at Duren Tiga, the permission to order him,' Mr. Ari Cahya immediately said 'I sent Mr. Agus' phone number, you went to meet him asking what his orders were'," said Irfan during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Thursday, January 12. Shortly thereafter, Irfan finally met Agus Nurpatra at the basketball court gate, right in front of Ferdy Sambo's official residence. During the meeting, Agus Nurpatra was said to have given orders to remove and replace the CCTV DVR at the security post. "What was Agus' order?" asked the prosecutor. "When I met at the gate, CCTV was immediately shown in front of the gate, which was on the basketball court leading to the road. Then it was shown you know where the DVR-nyq was, I said I don't know," said Irfan. "What is Agus' answer?" said the prosecutor. "I said I don't know, then Pak Agus said it was like being at the security post, later you check it, after that you take the new one," said Irfan. Then, Agus was also said to have immediately taken him to AKBP Ridwan Soplanit's house which was right next to Ferdy Sambo's house. At that time, the former Kaden A Paminal Agus Nurpatra Kaden A Paminal gave another order to replace the CCTV DVR in the house. "Arriving at Ridwan's house, CCTV was immediately appointed, which led to the road, you were asked who this house was. Ready for Bang R8dwan's house. While asking you not to forget, take a new replacement," said Irfan. "Take it and replace the new one, two orders?" asked the prosecutor who Irfan immediately agreed. Then, Irfan said that Agus Nurpatra's last order was conveyed when they were about to separate. At that time, he was reminded to immediately replace the CCTV DVR at the security post. "After that, before we separated, Pak Agus had warned you not to forget to check and secure those at the security post," said Irfan. "Three things happened. Then after that, did Agus convey it to the witness?" asked the prosecutor to confirm. "Nothing," said Irfan. Meanwhile, Hendra Kurniawan, Agus Nurpatra, Arif Rachman Arifin, Baiquni Wibowo, Chuck Putranto, and Irfan Widyanto were jointly charged with jointly obstructing the investigation into the death of Brigadier J. They were charged with securing CCTV DVR from around Ferdy Sambo's official residence, precisely at the Police Complex security post, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta. Thus, they are suspected of violating Article 49 in conjunction with Article 33 subsidiary Article 48 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 32 paragraph (1) of the ITE Law Number 19 of 2016 and/or the second indictment of Article 233 of the Criminal Code subsidiary Article 221 paragraph (1) to 2 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to (1) of the Criminal Code.

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