JAKARTA - Former Korspri Propam Division, Chuck Putranto claimed to have asked Ferdy Sambo about his involvement in the shooting of Yosua alias Brigadier J. In fact, the question was referred to as a fishing rod. Chuck's claim began when the public prosecutor (JPU) read out the investigation report (BAP). It contained about Chuck daring to ask about the case of Brigadier J to Ferdy Sambo. In fact, Chuck had admitted that he was very afraid of Ferdy Sambo. "Here (BAP) the witness asked witness Ferdy Sambo 'is there a general shooting'. Then he was answered 'I didn't shoot, can't you believe it'. Then the witness replied 'Ready'. Is it true that you asked Ferdy Sambo?" asked the prosecutor during the trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Thursday, January 12. "That's right," replied Chuck. Then, the prosecutor questioned the intent and purpose behind it. Then, Chuck reasoned that he wanted to know what really happened. Moreover, irregularities emerged in the murder case of Brigadier J after watching CCTV footage. Because, at that time it was believed that the cause of Brigadier J's death was because he was involved in a shootout with Bharada E. "So that's how it is, we have watched the situation, we are confused. Then after the incident we watched it again reconstructed when the LP moved or pulled from the Resort Police to the Metro Police," explained Chuck. "The reconstruction that was carried out was just shooting. So it didn't talk from coming to entering, so it only talked about shooting. And it was considered by investigators at that time that we heard because there was a Bareskrim investigator, there was a Labfor too, there was an Inafis. It was stated that this shot was right," he continued. With that discrepancy, Chuck ventured to ask Ferdy Sambo. In fact, the question was claimed to have his boss tell what actually happened behind the shootout scenario. "So we are getting more and more confused, how come this is a story like this, so when I have the courage to fish. So the question is actually to lure Pak Ferdy Sambo to tell me," said Chuck.

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