Cases Of Violence Against Women And Children In South Tangerang Alami Improved To 315 Cases In 2022
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TANGERANG - Head of UPTD P2TP2A South Tangerang (Tangsel) Tri Purwanto said cases of violence in his area had increased. There were 315 cases recorded throughout 2022.

During 2022 it was 315 cases. With details of 63 male victims, 104 girls, and 148 adult women," Tri said when confirmed, Wednesday, January 11.

"Meanwhile, in 2021, cases of violence will only range from 179 cases," he continued.

Tri said, the places where the most cases of sexual harassment occur are in the household environment and its surroundings.

Even so, he appreciated the victims who dared to report. This is because more cases are handled, meaning that socialization is conveyed.

"This is not bad, but this is the knowledge we want to convey that every incident of violence must be reported," he said.

On that occasion, Tri emphasized, not all cases involving children and women must lead to legal settlement.

However, there are still efforts for mediation in accordance with the applicable laws.

"If what the victim needs is trauma healing treatment, then P2TP2A will provide psychological services," he concluded.

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