The joint SAR team continues the search for 6 crew members of the TB Muara Sejati ship that sank in the Karimata Strait, Tuesday, January 10. This search is the seventh day.

As is known, the TB Muara Sejati ship sank since December 30, 2022. The ship contains 10 crew members.

Four crew members were found by the joint SAR team after sending a dangerous signal (distress alert) in the Karimata Strait. Four crew members were found safe on January 2, 2023. However, six people are still being searched today.

Head of the Pangkalpinang Search and Rescue Office, I Made Oka Astawa explained, there are still 6 people who are still being searched out of a total of 10 people.

"Efforts - propellant and E-broadcast efforts are carried out every day around the incident area. For today, the joint SAR team is conducting a search on sea level with the KN Purworejo ship departing from Pangkalbalam to the Karimata Strait," he said, Tuesday, January 10.

However, on Tuesday January 10, the search had not yielded any results.

"In this search effort, the joint SAR team is faced with uncertain weather changes, often changes, making it difficult for teams in the field to search," he said.

Currently, the Pangkalpinang Search and Rescue Office provides full support for joint SAR Operations from the Tanjung pinang Search and Rescue Office.

Previously, it was reported that the TB Muara Sejati ship, a tugboat, was declared missing and sank around the waters of the Karimata Strait. The cause of the ship sinking was due to bad weather factors and the magnitude of the impact of sea waves.

"The cause is due to bad weather," said Head of the Pangkalpinang Search and Rescue Office, I Made Oka Astawa when confirmed by VOI, Monday, December 2.

The tugboat TB Muara Sejati contains 10 crew members named John Kakalang (66), Fachrul Fauzi (34), Adi Taruk Kendek (29), Anton Marzuki (51), Lukman Nul Hakim (40), Asril Basri (24), Sunardi (24), Ari Setiawan (25), Arif Rizky Alfianto (25) and Kurniawan Imam Setiaji (27).

"The four people who were successfully evacuated were named John Kakalang (66) as the captain of the TB Muara Sejati ship, Kurniawan Iman Setiaji (27) as the driver 3, Anton Marzuki (51) as the author and Asril Basri (24) as the helmsman," he said.

Meanwhile, 6 other crew victims are still being searched for by the Joint SAR Team. The six victims who have not been found are Fachrul Fauzi (34), Adi Taruk Kendek (29), Lukman Nul Hakim (40), Sunardi (24), Ari Setiawan (25) and Arif Rizky Alfianto (25). (Rizky Sulistio)

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