JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo and PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri were swept away by the atmosphere when singer Denny Caknan entertained at the end of the PDIP 50th Anniversary event at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 10.

Initially, Jokowi, who sat with Megawati, was silent, focused on looking at Denny Caknan's action, singing the song 'Beyond Without Rain'.

In contrast, Megawati follows the rhythm by patting her hand at the thigh. Every now and then his body sways slightly to the right and left.

However, when the song 'Kartonyono Medot Promise' was sounded, Jokowi began to let go. The head of state patted the bench handle. Meanwhile, his mouth was in a coma and sang the Javanese pop song.

At this moment, Megawati began to raise her hand parallel to her chest. She applauded while her head swayed slowly by the tembang strain.

Jokowi and Megawati have been fun together for a long time. Still sitting in the front seat of the event, both of them are now raising their hands higher with the tempo of the song starting to upbeat.

Based on a live broadcast via the official PDIP YouTube channel, the white-nosed bull cadres were also swept away by the rhythm of the 29-year-old singer.

Cadres from those wearing red uniforms to traditional nusantara clothes spilled over in the central to back room.

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