The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo visited Jatibarang District, Brebes, Monday, January 9. Ganjar visited several locations affected by flash floods that occurred on Wednesday, January 4, due to the overflow of the Cibiyuk River. During the visit he provided a number of assistance.

Two locations were visited by Ganjar, namely Jatibarang Kidul Village and Kemiriamba Village. The worst conditions were seen in Jartibarang Kidul Village. In that place, as many as 30 houses were heavily damaged, moderate, or lightly. When Ganjar arrived, the condition of the damage was still visible, several houses were broken and there was even a house where 5 families collapsed.

"It happened suddenly, sir, suddenly the water immediately hit. This is the worst flood since the first flood in 1991," said one resident.

Ganjar also visited the houses of collapsed residents. He also saw the condition of the river that was tight with residential areas that had not been carried. "This is very tight with the river, the embankment is also not high. This is dangerous," he said.

Ganjar Pranowo then checked the public kitchen to ensure the logistics stock was safe. He also received complaints from residents who hoped to be given assistance in building houses and school equipment for children who were swept away.

"I checked that the flood had receded, yes, but I asked the Pusdataru Service to immediately go down and repair the embankment, because it was not high enough. If the embankment is repaired, then the village area can be safe. In addition, I also ask for reforestation in the upstream area to be activated again," he said.

Reported by the village head, there were 30 houses damaged by the flash flood. Ganjar confirmed that he would help repair the damaged houses. "We will repair them, those that are lightly damaged and moderately will be assisted by Brebes Regency, later I will help the heavily damaged ones themselves from the Central Java Provincial Government. It will only be recorded later and proposed," he explained.

In addition, Ganjar also asked the village head to record children who lost school equipment. Later, uniforms, books, shoes and other equipment that will be washed away will be assisted.

"I asked to be recorded on how many school children lost their equipment, earlier I saw that there were those who weren't in school because they didn't have uniforms. And most importantly I asked the village head to ensure that there was no shortage of logistics supply," he said.

Meanwhile, Ali (40), one of the flood victims, said he was very happy to be visited by Ganjar. According to him, Ganjar's presence is expected to help with the residents' problems.

"Yes, I am very happy to be visited by Mr. Ganjar, hopefully later he will be helped starting to repair houses to other needs, including the needs of school children," he said.

Ali said the flash floods arrived so quickly on Wednesday at 19.00 WIB. He could not save property, he could only run to save the lives of his family.

"Yes, I hope that Mr. Ganjar can realize river counters, because this has not been linked. It can also be normalized to make it deeper," he concluded.

In Kemiriamba Village, Ganjar checked the broken river. At the location, a temporary embankment has been made using sacks filled with sand. Ganjar Pranowo asked that the embankment be submitted immediately and a permanent building so that residents would be safer.

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