JAKARTA - Member of Commission B DPRD DKI Gilbert Simanjuntak thinks that making bicycle lanes in Jakarta is like salting seawater, aka useless. According to him, the 2020 bicycle path budget of Rp.62 billion is not enjoyed by Jakarta residents.

The reason is, Gilbert feels that the 63 kilometers of bicycle paths that have been created in 2019 will not be able to increase bicycle users on the road. In addition, the Department of Transportation's supervision of bicycle lane offenders is also nowhere to be seen.

"If we look at it, budgeting for bicycle lanes is a waste of money. Supervision and legal action for bicycle lane offenders is also sluggish," said Gilbert at the DPRD DKI Building, Central Jakarta, Monday, February 3.

According to Gilbert, the main task of the Transportation Agency is to integrate transportation modes. In addition, he said, the Transportation Agency must make people enjoy a good transportation system.

"Meanwhile, bicycle paths are a secondary task. After all, there are only a few users," he said.

From the beginning of the budget submission, Commission B of the DKI DPRD was of the opinion that bicycle lanes were not yet suitable for implementation in DKI. However, the DKI Provincial Government remains steadfast in proposing a budget for the construction of bicycle lanes.

The budget for the creation of a bicycle path in 2020 with a total length of 200 kilometers has already been confirmed. Like it or not, the DPRD must surrender because the DKI Provincial Government continues the work.

Therefore, Gilbert asked the Transportation Agency to improve the implementation of the bicycle path and increase supervision of motorized vehicle users crossing the bicycle path.

"Next year the planning must be improved. If it is still like this, we can consider rejection of budgeting in the following year," he said.

For information, since 2019 the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has made a 63 kilometer bicycle path. The path that is made is prioritized on the roads that are subject to the odd-even policy at this time. The width of the track is made of 1.25 meters.

The first phase of the bicycle path is 23 kilometers long, starting from Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Jalan MH Thamrin, Jalan Imam Bonjol, Jalan Pangeran Diponegoro, Jalan Proklamasi, Jalan Pramuka, and Jalan Pemuda.

The second phase is 23 kilometers long, covering Jalan Sudirman, Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Jalan Panglima Polim, and Jalan RS Fatmawati Raya. The third phase is 15 kilometers on Jalan Tomang Raya, Jalan Cideng Timur, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Jalan Matraman Raya, Jalan Jatinegara Barat, and Jalan Jatinegara Timur.

This year, the DKI Provincial Government is targeting a bicycle path to stretch up to 200 kilometers. In total, it is planned that there will be a 500 km bicycle path until 2022.

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