JAKARTA - Pope Francis presided over the funeral of former Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday, delivering a homily at the Requiem Mass in front of tens of thousands of mourners in the field of St. Peter, Vatican.

With the sound of a bell blowing, 12 carrying bodies carrying wooden coffins containing the body of Benedict from St. Peter's Basilica and placing them in the front yard of the church.

cepts broke out on a rocky open field shrouded in fog, as a sign of respect for the late Pope Benedict XVI, a conservative Roman hero who shocked the world by stepping down nearly a decade ago.

In his homily, Pope Francis used more than a dozen alkitabiah references and Church writings in which he appeared, including the last words of Jesus before he died on the cross: "Father, into Your Hand I present my thoughts."

Pope Francis also called Benedict indirectly in quotes from other Bible references about Jesus, including "love means ready to suffer" and that the congregation "trusts our brothers in the hands of the Father".

In a Mass attended by 125 cardinals, 200 bishops and about 3,700 priests, Pope Francis spoke of "the gentleness, gentleness and devotion he (Beediktus Pope) has given us over the years".

He named Benedict only once, in the last row, saying: "Benediktus, Jesus loyal friend, may your joy be perfect when you hear his voice, now and forever!"

Pastor from around the world, a handful of heads of state and thousands of people attended the ceremony as the sun slowly penetrated the fog.

More than 1,000 Italian security personnel helped secure the cemetery, and the airspace around the Holy Tahta was closed for the day. Italy ordered that flags across the country be raised by half a pole.

Earlier, people from all over the world began arriving in the dark at night, saying goodbye to Pope Benedict XVI.

"Even at our age, we were children when he became a pope, he left his mark," Xavier Mora, 24, a Spaniard who studied to become a priest in Rome, told Reuters as he approached the square with two other seminarists.

"We have studied the theology for three years and even though we don't know him personally, we really love and appreciate him," he said.

About 200,000 people have paid their last respects and prayers for Pope Benedict XVI during the funeral until Wednesday night.

Records of the XVI Benedict Papal, along with other items, including Vatican coins printed during his reign, were also put in coffins.

The life story and its Papal, written in Latin, says he "fights decisively" against sexual harassment by priests in the Church.

After the funeral ceremony, the coffin will be brought back into the basilica and put in a tincer before being sealed in another wooden coffin.

It is known, because Pope Benedict XVI was no longer head of state when he died, only two countries, Italy and their home country Germany, sent an official delegation at the funeral today.

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