YOGYAKARTA There is a discourse on the East-Southeast Ring Road, Solo, Central Java. The discourse from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) will begin after Yogyakarta-Solo is completed.

As is known, the East-South Solo Ring Road will pass in three districts in Central Java, namely Karanganyar, Sukoharjo and Klaten. However, there were rejections from several regents. Some of the regents who rejected the discourse were as follows.

As is known, the East-South Solo Ring Road will pass through three districts in Central Java, one of which is Karanganyar Regency. In the district there are at least three affected sub-districts, namely Kebakkramat, Jaten, and Tasikmadu.

Regarding the development discourse, the Regent of Karanganyar, Juliyatmono, assessed that the toll road should be conceptualized with a ring road model rather than toll roads. The reason is that if a toll road is built, there will be the potential to kill the community's economy.

"So everything can be optimal. Doing hard and no one is harmed, it can actually be profitable," he said.

Klaten Regent Sri Mulyani also expressed her rejection of the construction of the East-South Solo Ring Road Toll Road. His refusal was conveyed firmly because the toll road would pass in his area.

Sri Mulyani explained that if the discourse was carried out, the project would hit about 30 hectares of sustainable rice fields in her area. For that she rejected the discourse.

"I do not agree, because of the consideration that the Yogyakarta-Solo toll road, which is now being built, has used more than 300 hectares of sustainable rice fields," said Sri Mulyani.

In addition, the construction will also have an impact on reducing rice yields because the area of sustainable rice fields is reduced by a lot. Some of the sustainable rice fields that will be affected are in three sub-districts, namely Polanharjo, Delanggu, and Wonosari.

Regent Sukoharjo Etik Suryani also rejected the discourse on the construction of the East-South Solo Ring Road. According to him, the existence of the toll road will have an impact on protected rice fields or LSD in 5 sub-districts in Sukoharjo.

Similar to the Karanganyar Regent, the Regent of Ethics also provided input so that the route was made to circle the road or the regional arterial. He also assessed that the existence of the road ring would be more efficient because people could still be active even though they were affected by development.

"I agree more with the ring road," he explained.

The refusal of several regents regarding the discourse of the East-South Solo Ring Road received a response from the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka. He explained that his party would coordinate with the regents.

Gibran explained that the discussion of the concept of the East-Southeast Ring Road Solo City has been touted by him since he was sworn in in 2020.

"The discussion has been in place since I first took office. If there is input from the regent, we will still accommodate it. Later we will chat one by one," said Gibran to reporters at Solo City Hall, some time ago.

Gibran also understands the existence of pros and cons related to the discourse on the construction of the East-South Solo Ring Road. On the other hand, Gibran said that the toll road construction would help unravel the congestion that occurred in Solo, Central Java.

That's information related to the discourse of the East-Southeast Solo Ring Road. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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