JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the DPR RI, Kurniasih Mufidayati, assessed that the government needs to provide a complete explanation regarding new regulations to anticipate the spread of COVID-19 after the revocation of PPKM. The reason is, even though PPKM was stopped, several previous rules still apply because the status of the pandemic has not been revoked by the government.
According to him, the government must further clarify which things can be done, and which activities are prohibited.
"For example, the mandatory booster regulation for long-distance travelers is still valid even though the PPKM status has been revoked. Appeals to continue wearing masks in public places, using PeduliLindungi, the status of the COVID-19 Task Force is still ongoing, and so on," said Kurniasih to reporters, Tuesday, January 3.
According to the PKS legislator for the DKI Jakarta electoral district, a complete explanation from the government is needed so that people are not confused about the status of revocation of PPKM. It is feared that people will ignore it because they feel they have been released by the government.
Mufida also asked the government to participate in revoking the status of the COVID-19 pandemic as an extraordinary natural disaster, as well as providing understanding to the public regarding what rules should not be violated.
"“Remember! PPKM is over, it doesn't mean the pandemic is over either," said Mufida.
Meanwhile, based on the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 53 of 2022 concerning Prevention and Control of Corona Virus Disease 2019 During the Transition Period Towards an Endemic, there were a number of provisions during the revocation of PPKM.
The rules that must be followed by the community include wearing masks, especially when crowding and in crowds, in closed buildings or rooms, including public transportation.
The obligation to wear a mask must also be obeyed by people with symptoms of respiratory disease. As well as conducting close contracts and confirmed COVID-19.
The public is still advised to wash their hands with soap and hand sanitizer. Stay alert and increase your self-resilience so as not to contract COVID-19. And still use the PeduliLindung application to enter or use public facilities, including for domestic travelers who will use public transportation.
The public must also continue to vaccinate primary doses and follow-up doses (boosters) independently or centrally in public places such as offices, factories, places of worship, markets and terminals. It is hoped that the public will have the awareness to carry out testing if they make close contact with positive people.
Meanwhile, instructions for local governments, namely governors, regents, and mayors, are asked to revoke all regulations that impose sanctions on violators of PPKM provisions. Local governments are also asked to continue to activate the Regional Task Force.
Local governments are also asked to provide recommendations for crowd permits very selectively in every form of community activity that can cause crowds while still implementing health protocols.
The local government is also asked to ensure the availability of budget allocations from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) for the prevention and control of COVID-19.
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