JAKARTA MA (6), the victim of the kidnapping Iwan Sumarno is still undergoing intensive treatment at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta. MA underwent an examination related to health and psychological conditions after being found in the Ciledug area.

The Head of the National Police's Health Center, Inspector General Asep Hendradiana, said that when asked by officers, the Supreme Court always answered and looked cheerful.

"When he entered the ER when asked cooperatively. Today, in general, he is in good health and cooperative. He can interact with his family. The results will be submitted," said Inspector General Hendra to reporters, Tuesday, January 3.

Inspector General Hendra continued, his party is still investigating the psychology of the victim because for almost 28 days the victim was neglected.

"The mother said the weight had decreased. The victim was easy to socialize. We will provide the best and optimal service so that investigations and investigations can run well," he said.

Until this news was written, the results of the victim's post-mortem were not known because they were still under a series of examinations.

"Further developments will be conveyed," he said.

Please note, Iwan Sumarno is a recidivist in the case of sexual abuse of minors in 2014. Iwan served a sentence of 7 years. He is free in 2021.

Instead of being a deterrent, Iwan took the Supreme Court away for 26 days. MA's parents are restless because their child is not by his side for almost a month.

Luckily, Monday January 2, MA and Iwan were found in the Ciledug area, Tangerang. At that time, the Supreme Court was in the cart of scavengers in a shabby state, in the same clothes when the perpetrators took away.

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