West Java (Jabar) Regional Police Chief Inspector General Suntana said the existence of the Cimanuk Police Dormitory in Indramayu Regency should be put to good use.

"With this dormitory, we hope that the performance of the members will be better, especially to serve the community," he said, when inaugurating the Cimanuk Police Dormitory, Tuesday, January 3, was confiscated by Antara.

Suntana said the dormitory, which was built in collaboration between the National Police and the local government, must be maintained properly so that it is maintained and occupied by members in need.

According to him, with better dormitories, it is hoped that the performance of members will be better in serving the community, especially in Indramayu Regency.

He said the dormitory was intended for members who really needed it.

"If those who already have a house, we ask not to take part in the residence because this dormitory is specifically for those who do not have a place to live in Indramayu," he said.

Meanwhile, the Indramayu Police Chief, AKBP Lukman Syarif, said that the Cimanuk Police Dormitory was built on two floors, in which on each floor there are 15 units of rooms in which there are two beds, living rooms, and bathrooms.

In addition to the Cimanuk Police Dormitory, his party has finished building dormitories at the police station with a total of 14 units and all for members.

"This dormitory is expected to be used by members so that when on duty they no longer think about renting a house," he said.

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