JAKARTA - Police Traffic Police Inspector General Istiono reviewed the Rest Area KM 57 of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road, Karawang, West Java, to ensure that the application of a 50 percent limit on visitor capacity in the rest area is strictly enforced.

The review was carried out in the context of Operation Candles 2020 related to securing the 2020 Christmas and New Year 2021 holidays.

Kakorlantas said the implementation of capacity restrictions at the Rest Area KM 57 of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road will be closely monitored by Traffic Police officers to prevent crowds that have the potential to spread COVID-19.

"We have coordinated this rest area with the management and conditioned by the West Java Regional Police that the capacity in this rest area is only a maximum of 50 percent," Istiono said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 23.

Kakorlantas explained that if the rest area's capacity has reached 50 percent, then the driver may not enter the rest area. The vehicle will be directed to go to the next rest area.

"If it is 50 percent, we think it is enough, we will close this (rest area). And continue to other rest areas. This is to anticipate the spread of COVID-19," he said.

Kakorlantas also reviewed the integrated COVID-19 security post which has post facilities for people who want to carry out rapid antigen tests.

Korlantas together with the local Health Office synergized to carry out a random rapid antigen test on drivers who stopped at the KM 57 Rest Area of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road.

"In this rest area a health post has been made to check the random antigen swab that has been implemented. Hopefully this can prevent the spread of COVID-19," he said.

Kakorlantas believes the public's desire to find out about their health condition is quite high, shown by their enthusiasm in taking the rapid antigen test provided in the rest area for free.

"I am sure that in the near future many will consciously check themselves with this antigen swab. Thus, these rest area points are able to suppress the spread of COVID-19," said the former Babela Police Chief.

Kakorlantas appealed to travelers on vacation at the end of this year to continue to implement the health protocol, namely 3M (maintaining distance, wearing masks and washing hands) so that this year's end of vacation can run safely and avoid the potential spread of COVID-19.

Kakorlantas accompanied by the Head of Korlantas Police Ops Kombes Rudi Antariksawan and the Managing Director of PT Jasa Raharja Budi Rahardjo in this review.

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