JAKARTA - The rules for implementing restrictions on community activities (PPKM) have been stopped starting December 30, 2022. The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) has prepared derivative regulations regarding the implementation of activities at places of worship after the deletion of the policy.

Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said activity regulations in places of worship would be adjusted to the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 53 of 2022 concerning the prevention and control of COVID-19 during the transition period to endemic.

"So, we have prepared regulations for places of worship to comply with the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs," he said at the Jakarta Presidential Palace, Monday, January 2, as reported by Antara.

According to him, the regulations regarding the implementation of activities in places of worship after the termination of PPKM, include protocols for implementing worship activities in closed rooms.

"Now it is free to worship (with the number of participants) 100 percent (from the capacity of the place), but still, in a closed room you have to wear a mask. That's all the point. So worship has been allowed 100 percent capacity," he said.

"It's not possible to use the PeduliLindung application, but masks must stay. That's all. Just be careful, because you have to be careful," he added.

Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 53 of 2022 concerning the prevention and control of COVID-19 during the transition to endemic was issued on December 30, 2022 as a follow-up to the termination of PPKM in all regions of Indonesia.

The government has decided to stop PPKM in all regions because it assesses that the transmission of COVID-19 is under control, community immunity is already high, the capacity of health facilities has improved, and economic recovery has gone well.

After stopping PPKM, residents are still advised to wear masks when in crowds and closed rooms.

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