JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri ordered all staff to not hesitate to apply the article which carries the death penalty for drug traffickers. This is because drug trafficking is considered an extraordinary crime category.

Deputy Head of Baresekrim Polri, Inspector General Wahyu Hadiningrat, said that the death penalty for drug traffickers is carried out during filing. But the death penalty must be in accordance with the terms and conditions.

"To all members of the law, I invite them to aggressively take action and give the harshest punishments to narcotics criminals. There is no need to hesitate to give death sentences to perpetrators who meet the conditions for the death penalty," Wahyu told reporters, Wednesday, December 23.

With the existence of a strict punishment in the form of the death penalty, Wahyu hopes that it will be a deterrent effect for drug dealers. The application of these penalties must also be accompanied by a fast process.

"And executions must be carried out quickly so that they have a deterrent effect on anyone who intends to become a narcotics criminal," said Wahyu.

Meanwhile, the Director of Narcotics and Addictive Substances at the Attorney General's Office, Darmawel Aswar, said that his party will always be committed to taking firm action against all narcotics traffickers in Indonesia. Strict punishment will be given to those who destroy the nation's generation.

"We, from the prosecutor's office, are committed, especially drugs, every case that comes to us almost means we prosecute it if not for life if we don't die," he said.

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