JAKARTA - Police are still examining pieces of a woman's body found in two container boxes in a rented house located in Buaran Village, Lambasari, South Tambun, Bekasi Regency. Temporary results, Dicky Listyanto mutilized the victim using an electric saw. "The information is that the results of our investigation were cut off using an electric saw," said the Head of Dokkes Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hery Wijatmoko to reporters, Saturday, December 31. The strong allegation is based on the results of bodylit examination. Because, at each end a pattern of jagged. "Based on the initial forensic medicine yesterday we saw it was indeed in a jagged shape," he said. However, until now it has not been certain about how long the body part was stored in the contract. Because, further investigation is still being carried out. "This is our question why no one's neighbors has heard it and so on. Why is it permissive that the corpse has been there for so long but no one knows or cares," said Hery. Putting the body of the female victim of the mutilation was found in a container box. The discovery occurred on Friday, December 30, at around 03.23 WIB. The findings of pieces of the woman's body in two container boxes were accidentally mentioned. Because, initially the police followed up on the existence of reports of missing persons on behalf of Edky Listyanto who was strongly suspected of being the perpetrators of mutilation. "Reports about people missing from the Bantar Gebang Police then members of the 4 Resmob Polda Metro Jaya carried out Lidik and led to the crime scene," said the Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan. In this case, Dicky Listyanto is suspected to be strong as a suspect suspect. If it is proven that he would be charged under Article 338 of the Criminal Code on murder.

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