Young-mudiday Buddhists Throughout Indonesia Law On Ganjar Pranowo Talks Nationality
Ganjar Pranowo (Photo via Central Java Provincial Government)

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo was invited to be a speaker by the Indonesian Buddhayana Council, at the 2022 national work sarasehan and meeting ceremony in Mojokerto, East Java.

The organizing committee for the event, Frida Ferdiana, said that the reason for the Indonesian Buddhist temple youths to invite Ganjar was considering his figure was right and to fill the session on national insight.

"Mr. Ganjar, in our opinion, is the right person to provide more national insight for us Buddhists. The figure is more suitable," said Frida, after his meeting with Ganjar at his official residence.

Frida said the event would later be attended offline by around 600 Buddhist youths who came from 23 provinces in Indonesia. The event was also held in a hybrid manner and took place from 28-31 December 2022.

Coming a long way from East Java, Frida was happy to be able to directly convey an invitation to Ganjar. Moreover, he could discuss firsthand about the event and share knowledge with the Governor of Central Java for the two periods.

"Mr. Ganjar is very friendly, and he also shares a lot with us, not only casual ones, but he also provides insights about our country," he said.

Meanwhile, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo is happy to receive visits from Buddhist youths throughout Indonesia. From the theme raised, said Ganjar, it is a form of concern for young people for nationality.

"I was visited all the way from East Java to here, meaning he was very serious about organizing this," said Ganjar.

The former member of the DPR RI was also pleased with the enthusiasm of the Buddhist youths during the discussion. Especially when they heard about their concrete actions, which realized the values of Pancasila and mutual cooperation.

In my opinion, they have practiced the values of Pancasila well, and they invite me to discuss it with me. In my opinion, the challenges of young people are interesting to respond to," he said.

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