JAKARTA - As many as 238 Indonesians from Wuhan, China, were evacuated to Natuna. The Natuna people protested and were afraid that they would be infected with the corona virus which originated in Wuhan.
The government ensures health security in Natuna from the corona virus. Director General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health Anung Sugiharto said Indonesian citizens who came from China were placed in a special location in Natuna. They were placed in a modified Indonesian Air Force hangar.
In the hangar, there are tents and rooms for these Indonesian citizens. They were separated according to sex and kinship. The tent consists of two layers.
"238 Indonesian citizens who were evacuated were placed in a hangar that had been prepared with certain modifications," said Anung in Jakarta, Monday, February 3.
In addition, the air circulation in the hangar is also regulated according to medical needs. Then, the distance between the hangar and residential areas is quite far.
Furthermore, based on temporary information, the corona virus cannot last long in the air and is not strong if it is exposed to temperatures above 60 degrees or below 0 degrees. So, this virus concern can be reduced.
"So from the health side, it ensures that what happens, if it is spread by air, will not reach the community (society)," said Anung.

Meanwhile, in terms of security systems, the hangar has three security rings. Each ring can only be entered by certain people.
The first ring, only medical personnel can make contact with the Indonesian citizen. Meanwhile, the second ring is for those who handle the daily needs of Indonesian citizens. Finally, the third ring is an area for monitoring the results of the development of observations.
Previously it was reported that on Sunday, February 2, 238 Indonesians were flown from Wuhan, China to Hang Nadiem Airport, Batam for the evacuation process. After that, they were dispatched from there to the Raden Sajak Airbase in Natuna, Riau Islands. IN Natuna, they will be quarantined for two weeks.
However, a number of Natuna residents refused to use the area where they lived as an observation location for the coronavirus. As a result, residents held demonstrations by means of giving speeches and burning tires.
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